
Privacy Policy

Paftom needs to collect some data to offer a social platform.

This document has been created to explain the data we are obliged to collect, its types and reasons for use, and to help you manage your data.

Collected Data

The data we collect in order to provide service and to ensure its quality is divided into two as mandatory and optional.

Mandatory data is data collected for user registration, communication and community safety. Paftom services cannot be used without providing this data.

  • Name
  • Username
  • Email
  • Password
  • Date of birth
  • Optional data is data that can be preferred to be provided to enhance and personalize the experience.

  • Biography (About)
  • Website
  • Gender
  • Profile picture
  • Content (text and pictures)
  • Data Collection Purposes

    Data is collected for the reasons below.

  • Operation (functionality) of the service
  • Communication
  • Analitical data
  • Development
  • The personalization of your experience
  • Ensuring community safety
  • Account security
  • Advertising recommendations and marketing
  • Legal compliance
  • Data management

    You have options to view, modify and delete your data. To perform these actions, visit the necessary menus in the settings tabs in the applications.

    If you cannot find what you are looking for, try contacting us through the options below.


    You can contact us via e-mail for more information and assistance.

    This document is currently in draft form. It was made to assist you for now. More information about how we process and store your data will be provided here very soon. Thank you for your understanding.